How To Patch Little Big Planet M33

2020. 2. 26. 04:29카테고리 없음

  1. Little Big Planet Chromebook

For all of you PS3 owners who got addicted to the wonderful puzzle platformer, your hopes and dreams have finally been realized— is now out! Originally set to be released in November of last year, LBP2 was in stores last Tuesday, January 18th.Despite being called LittleBigPlanet 2, it's actually the third game in the series. The first was on the PS3 and the second on the PSP. And LBP2 picks up right where Sackboy left off, and it's looking to be more popular than theIt already has a 93.48% rating on, with an overall rank of 74, which are some pretty respectable numbers.

The only game currently more popular is, with a 93.8% rating.Players continue Sackboy's journey after the events of the first game and the portable version are brought to an end. An inter-dimensional vacuum cleaner appears over the skies of LittleBigPlanet and begins to suck up its inhabitants, including Sackboy. Larry Da Vinci, the leader of a semi-secret semi-organised group known as 'The Alliance', comes to Sackboy's rescue saving him from what they call 'The Negativitron.' The organisation is dedicated to battling with 'The Negativitron' and defeating it before it destroys Craftworld. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video. Little Big Planet 2 Storyline TrailerBut the best thing is that it's backwards compatible with most of your current creations. Media Molecule has worked around the clock to make sure LBP2 was able to play all of your LBP1 levels, and they claim to have made 99% of all physics, electronics, logic and character handling fully backwards compatible.However, testing all 3.5 million levels and finding ways to support all the awesome crazy techniques and things you guys have created is a sadly impossible task!

So whilst all levels will play, some might need tweaking to make sure they work absolutely correctly.They've put together a list of things for you that may affect a level, along with things to try if you find your level isn't working quite how it used to. You can view their official guide.And now. For the best part. One PlayStation 3 gamer has already beat its single-player campaign mode. Check out all 40 parts to Little Big Planet 2 walkthrough. Enjoy the complete playthrough, along with his commentary.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Walkthrough (Parts 1-5).

Little Big Planet Chromebook

I am on 5.00 M33-6 and I used eDecrypt v1.3.Below is a step by step on how I completed it. It might be long BUT it is easy and I believe I have covered each step that needs to be done individually and that is why it seems so long. It only takes a few moment to complete1.

Open UMDGen v42. Place the Little Big Planet iso on your desktop (Just for convenience)3. Drag an drop the ISO onto the white area in UMDGen on the right hand side4.

Click File - Filelist Export5. Select your Desktop and type Filelist (Can be any name you want)6. Click the + to the left PSPGAME in UMDGen8. Click on SYSDIR9.

On the right hand side click RIGHT Mouse click EBOOT.BIN10. Left Mouse Click Extract Selected11. Select your Deskop12. Connect your PSP to your computer14. Place eDecrypt into PSPGame15. Create a folder on the root of your memory card called ENC16. Copy the EBOOT.BIN from your Desktop to the ENC folder on your PSP memory card17.

Disconnect PSP from Computer and start eDcrypt like you would any game18. When prompted press the button on the PSP- It should then state it found a file and how big it is before being decrypted- It also tells yo how big after and if it was successful decrypting- It also should state that a patch was successfully applied- If you do nto see this either somethign was done wrong or try the process again19. Press X to return the PSP Menu20. Connect the PSP to your Computer21. Copy the EBOOT.BIN from ENCDONE to your desktop (save over the one you previously extracted)- You can delete the EBOOT.BIN from the ENC folder22.

Drag and Drop the EBOOT.BIN from your desktop into the PSPGAMESYSDIR in UMDGEN23. Answer YES to replace24.

Click File - File List - Import25. Select your desktop and then double click the filelist.txt file you exported earlier26. Answer YES to the question that appears27. Click SAVE and either select COMPRESSED or UNCOMPRESSED28. Select your desktop and create your own name 'Little Big Planet Decrypted'29.

Click Save30. Now copy the newly created file to your ISO fodler on your PSP memory card rootThat should do it.

It worked for me fine doing this.Good LuckP.s. Note that if you have a CSO file have have had issues when using this method and had to uncompress the CSO file back into a ISO file first. Sometime you will not be able to save properly if you start with a CSO OR it will save but when you start the game on the PSP you will get another error.To converts CSO to ISO:1. Open UMDGen2.

Drag an drop the CSO onto the white area in UMDGen on the right hand side3. Click Save - Uncompressed (.iso)4. Select Desktop (or whereever you wish to save the file)5. Give it a name and click save.Then with the newly created ISO file follow the first lot of steps above - though there is a chance you will just get a different error when you have finished and start a new game.


It aldepends on if the game iso / cso you have is compatible with eDcrypt v3.